Owonrinmeji predicts two major blessings for someone who is poverty-stricken, provided he or she offers the right sacrifice. This odu calls for moderation in all things. In the fixed order of Orunmila, Owonrin meji is the sixth odu. But no matter how hard life may seem, the client may prevail by offering the right sacrifices, and by refusing to harbor evil thoughts or ideas. Irosu meji denotes emotional and financial difficulties. I they feel des pondent and begin to lose interest in whatever they are doing, Ifa should be consulted and appeased for them. They need to take care of their health both by propitiating their heads (ori) and by occasionally appeasing the osu, or Ifa staff of office. Odu Irosu meji speaks of people who are always popular and held in high regard by their friends.

They need to appease Ifa in order to overcome these worldly obstructions. Odu Idi meji speaks of people who have secret enemies trying to cast a spell over them or who have bad dreams most of the time.

This will bring them good prospects: long life (ire aiku), wealth (ire aje), a wife (ire aya), and children (ire omo). Clients for who this odu is divined should be advised to worship Ifa. They dream often, have clear vision, and grow up to become diviners or spiritualists. Odu Iwori meji speaks of people gifted with the ability to see things in their true perspective. Odu Oyeku meji signifies darkness and unhappiness and warns of death, sickness, worries, and a bad omen, yet also carries with it the solution to all these problems. Odu Ejiogbe speaks of light.good general welfare, victory over enemies, spiritual awakenings, long life, and peace of mind.